GLG Life Tech Corporation was founded in 1999 on a quest to overcome common health issues of our times – among them, obesity and diabetes.


GLG’s corporate values are rooted in Dr. Zhang’s vision to bring healthier, natural, zero-calorie sweeteners to the world. As a clinical practitioner, Dr. Zhang gained experience in treating chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Through his clinical work and research, he came to believe that diet had a significant influence on both the spread and treatment of these chronic diseases. Indeed, a diet rich in sugary foods has proven to be linked to these diseases.

As a concerned Canadian citizen in the 1990s, Dr. Zhang began studying the stevia plant and its potential as a zero-calorie natural sweetener that could be used to promote his vision for a healthier society. Dr. Zhang’s goal is to develop stevia and other natural sweeteners, such as luo han guo, as mainstream, healthy ingredients for the global food and beverage marketplace in order to reduce the amount of sugar in our diets.

Dr. Luke Zhang’s Biography

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Luke Zhang is a recognized individual in the business, medical and academic communities in both North America and Asia. He has successfully built and managed a number of firms in the health and food industries, and medical and software development industries.

He holds  a Ph.D in Pharmacology from Vanderbilt University in the United States, a Masters of Finance in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Shanghai University in China, and a Bachelor of Medicine from Shandong Medical University in China. His expertise in the medical field has helped fuel the company growth, as well as set foundational principles in research and innovation. In addition, his vision and strategic direction have enabled the company to maintain a leading edge in the global community.

Why Natural Sweeteners?

Over 15 years ago we began our quest to overcome two of the world\’s most serious health issues—obesity and diabetes. We began our non-GMO stevia plant hybridization program back in 1997 because we had a vision for what the future of stevia could be.

We believe we’ve made a difference in today’s world by producing the highest quality and best-tasting stevia extracts on the market today. Partnering with us means you’re contributing to a healthier and thriving future.

Scientific research has tied high intake of added sugars to many poor health conditions, including obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Sugar has come under increasing scrutiny, and governments are beginning to regulate sugar content in food and beverage products.

Market dynamics have seen a drastic decrease in market share for processed and synthetic sweeteners, as more scientific evidence points to their use as the cause of new diseases and health issues. Increasing demand, as seen by the LOHAS consumer group (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), is on the rise and growing.

Research shows that one in four adult Americans is part of this group — nearly 41 million people representing an estimated 290 billion dollar market. These consumers are the future of “food and beverage industry” and also the future of progressive social, environmental and economic change in this industry.



High Reb m stevia plants, product innovations & super RA seed
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Major developments in high Reb m stevia plants, product innovations, and breakthrough development of Super RA seed.

Introduction of FlavorOpt Stevia & GoZero Solutions
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Introduction of FlavorOpt Stevia and GoZero Solutions.

Partnered with ADM
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Partnered with ADM to bring low-calorie Stevia and Monk Fruit sweeteners to customers worldwide.

High purity Reb C GRAS Completed
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High purity Reb C GRAS completed.

Monk Fruit & Stevia Extracts
stevia and monk fruit extracts glg life tech monk fruit

Launch of Monk Fruit Extracts (Monk Sweet). Launch of GLG’s Organic Certified extracts (OrganiPure). GRAS completed for High Purity Reb M (Reb X) extract, High Purity Reb C extract, High Purity Reb D extract, and High Purity Monk Fruit extracts. Monk Fruit processing patent filed.

Rebaudiosides C extract & H3 Seed
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Addition of Rebaudiosides C extract to product portfolio. H3 seed commercially available to farmers.

PCT Patent Applications
stevia and monk fruit extracts glg life tech patent agreement

PCT patent applications. Applications filed covering agriculture, processing and formulation.

Largest Re-crystallization Facility
stevia and monk fruit extracts glg life tech crstallization facility

Opening of world’s largest stevia re-crystallization facility.

Largest Primary Processing Facilities
stevia and monk fruit extracts glg life tech processing facility

Opening of world’s largest primary processing facilities.

TSX Listing & Patent Application
stevia and monk fruit extracts glg life tech tsx

GLG Secures TSX Listing. Patent Application: Refining methods of high purity stevia.

Dr.Zhang invests in stevia
stevia and monk fruit extracts glg life tech dr zhang

Dr. Zhang makes his first investment in stevia agriculture.